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Arduino Tutorial – Random Number Generator

This tutorial is about “Arduino Tutorial – Random Number Generator”. A Random Number Generator (RNG) is a computational or physical process designed to generate a sequence of numbers that lack any pattern or predictability. These numbers are typically used in various fields such as cryptography, simulations, gaming, and statistical sampling.

Types of RNGs

RNGs play a vital role in ensuring fairness in games, maintaining security in cryptographic systems, and simulating complex phenomena in scientific research and engineering simulations.

Pseudorandom Number Generators (PRNGs): These algorithms generate numbers that appear random but actually derive from an initial value called a seed. PRNGs are deterministic, meaning if you know the seed, you can reproduce the sequence of numbers. Software applications widely use them due to their efficiency and ease of implementation.

True Random Number Generators (TRNGs): TRNGs generate numbers based on unpredictable physical processes, such as radioactive decay, thermal noise, or atmospheric noise. TRNGs provide higher security and are common in cryptographic applications where unpredictability is crucial because they rely on inherently random phenomena.

Use of Random Number Generator

CryptographyGenerating cryptographic keys, initialization vectors, and nonces
Ensuring the security of encryption algorithms and digital signatures
GamingSimulating chance-based events in video games, casinos, and gambling platforms
Ensuring fairness in gaming outcomes
Simulation and ModelingGenerating random inputs for simulations across multiple disciplines
Adding stochastic elements to models for realism
Statistical SamplingGenerating random samples for hypothesis testing and estimation
Reducing bias in statistical analyses
Monte Carlo MethodsEstimating complex mathematical problems using random sampling
Simulating probabilistic systems
Machine LearningRandom initialization of model parameters
and Artificial IntelligenceShuffling datasets for training
Introducing randomness in optimization algorithms
Numerical AnalysisImproving performance and convergence properties of algorithms


Before start to learn, you should know below topics. If you know already, please go further

Components Required for Arduino Tutorial Random Number Generator

  • Arduino  Uno Board (You Can use any other arduino boards*) – 1 Nos

Code : randomSeed()

Arduino Tutorial Random Number Generator

long randNumber;

void setup(){

void loop(){
  randNumber = random(300);


Code Explanation

long randNumber;Variable declaration to store the generated random number
void setup()Function that runs once to initialize the Arduino board and setup necessary configurations
Serial.begin(9600);Initializes serial communication with the computer at a baud rate of 9600 bits per second
randomSeed(analogRead(0));Seeds the random number generator with a value obtained from reading analog pin 0
void loop()Function that runs continuously after the setup() function, where the main code resides
randNumber = random(300);Generates a random number between 0 and 299 and assigns it to randNumber variable
Serial.println(randNumber);Prints the generated random number to the serial monitor followed by a newline character
delay(50);Inserts a delay of 50 milliseconds between each iteration of the loop

Code: random()

long randNumber;

void setup(){

void loop(){
  randNumber = random(300);


Code Explanation

Component/FunctionPurposelong randNumber;Declares a variable to store the generated random numbervoid setup()Initializes the Arduino board and sets up necessary configurationsSerial.begin(9600);Initializes serial communication with the computer at a baud rate of 9600 bits per secondrandomSeed(analogRead(0));Seeds the random number generator with a value obtained from reading analog pin 0void loop()Executes the main code continuously after the setup, where the random number generation occursrandNumber = random(300);Generates a random number between 0 and 299 and assigns it to randNumber variableSerial.println(randNumber);Prints the generated random number to the serial monitor followed by a newline characterdelay(50);Adds a delay of 50 milliseconds between each iteration of the loop


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