8085 Interview Questions
Q : To multiply a number by 8 in 8085 we have to use RAL instruction
- When RAL instruction is used once the number is doubled.
A. IC = FC – EC
B. IC = FC + EC @
C. IC = FC + 2EC
D. EC = IC + EC
- Answer: Option B (Explanation: Instruction cycle consists of fetch and execute cycles).
Q: 8085 has 6 how many sign flags ?
- It has one sign flag S.
C Interview Questions
- Storage Classes
- Structure & Union Difference
- Which Library needs to add the bool variable? Answered include “stdbool.h”
- Question: Difference between debug and release mode in compiler?
- Debug mode – Optimization should not be done.
- Release mode – Optimization should be enabled.
Digital Electronics Interview Questions
What is Latch?
The latch is an electronic logic circuit, it has two inputs(Set and Rest) and one output. In the micro controller Latch is a temporary memory unit. it can control signals while the data transmission.
Differnet beween Flip flop and Latch?
- The basic difference between a latch and a flip-flop is a gating or clocking mechanism.
- In Simple words. Flip Flop is edge-triggered and a latch is level triggered.
Embedded Interview Questions
Question: What is the service you have used in RTOS?
- Thread creation (task Creation)
- Mutex
- Semaphore
Question: How would you assign priority to task in RTOS?
Question: Write the parameters of semaphore API in RTOS?
Question: Write a program for print odd and even numbers, one threat need to print even number and another thread print odd Numbers. (or) Print Even and Odd Numbers Using 2 Threads