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ESP8266 NodeMCU Interface – DHT11

Now a days measuring temperature and humidity is not a difficult job. Because lot of sensor are available in the market. DHT11 and DHT22 are very familiar from others. DHT11 Module is very low cast and available in market long days. In this tutorial you will learn how to  interface DHT11 with ESP8266 module using NodeMCU Firmware. In this project I’m used  Espressif’s ESP8266X of Ai-thinger’s ESP-12F module with  Aosong DHT11 module using NodeMCU DHT Module in windows system. You can also use any other ESP8266 Modules for this project.


Embedded Sensor – DHT11

Aosong DHT11 is a low cost humidity and temperature sensor with a single wire digital interface. The sensor includes a resistive sense of wet components and an NTC temperature measurement devices, and connected with a highperformance 8bit microcontroller. DHT11 uses a simplified single-bus communication. The sensor is calibrated and doesn’t require extra components so you can get right to measuring relative humidity and temperature.

           DHT11 output calibrated digital signal. It utilizes exclusive digital-signal-collecting-technique and humidity sensing technology, assuring its reliability and stability. Its sensing elements are connected with 8-bit single-chip computer. Every sensor of this model is calibrated in accurate calibration chamber and the calibration-coefficient is saved in type of programmer in OTP memory, when the sensor is detecting, it will cite coefficient from memory. for more details about data sheet of DHT11 sensor click here.