The ESP32 ArduinoCore Interface for OneWire (OW) communication protocol is a crucial aspect of interfacing with digital temperature sensors like the DS18B20. This interface allows the ESP32 microcontroller to communicate with one or more DS18B20 temperature sensors using the OneWire protocol.
Declares a function to print the temperature of a device with the given address.
void loop(void)
Begins the loop function, which runs continuously after setup.
Requests temperature readings from all connected devices on the bus.
for(int i=0;i<numberOfDevices; i++)
Loops through each temperature device found on the bus.
Prints the temperature of the i-th device.
void printAddress(DeviceAddress deviceAddress)
Declares a function to print the address of a device.
Functionality of
Initialization: The interface initializes the OneWire communication by defining the GPIO pin to which the OneWire data wire is connected. It also initializes the DallasTemperature library, which simplifies communication with DS18B20 sensors.
Device Detection: Upon initialization, the interface detects the number of DS18B20 sensors connected to the OneWire bus. It retrieves the unique address of each sensor and sets their resolution if detected.
Temperature Reading: The interface periodically requests temperature readings from all connected DS18B20 sensors. It then retrieves the temperature data and converts it to Celsius and Fahrenheit scales for further processing or display.