- Lua as an interpreted language.
- Lua is case-sensitive:
- Lua is a dynamically typed language.
- Note :
- No need to use the terminate; symbol in Lua
- The node needs closures { } for functions like c.
- 1 Commands
- 2 Identifiers in Lua Language
- 3 Basic types of values in lua
- 4 Variable in Lua Language
- 5 Lua Online Compiler
- 6 Install Lua in windows
- 7 Lua Notes
- 8 Lua Examples
- 9 Tutorial – eLua
- 10 Lua Android : Run Lua Scrip in Android Mobile
- 11 How to Manually Install Lua on Windows
- Double hyphen —
- If you want to insert a single line command in the program use a double hyphen –.
- Example ArunEworld –Variable
- Double hyphen with double bracket –[[ ]]–
- If you want to insert more line commands in the program use double bracket–[[ More lines ]]–
- Example –[[ www.ArunEworld.com www.facebook.com/ArunEworld www.twitter.com/ArunEworld www.plus.google.com/+ArunEworld ]]–
Identifiers in Lua Language
These identifiers are fundamental in many programming languages, particularly in Lua.
Identifier | Description |
and | A logical operator representing conjunction |
break | Used to terminate the execution of a loop |
do | Initiates a block of code to be executed |
else | Executes a block of code if the preceding condition is false |
elseif | Used to define alternative conditions in an ‘if’ statement |
end | Marks the end of a block of code, such as a loop or function |
false | A boolean value representing false |
for | Used to iterate over a range of values in a loop |
function | Defines a reusable block of code with a name |
if | Executes a block of code if a condition is true |
in | Used to iterate over elements in a collection |
local | Declares a local variable, limiting its scope |
nil | A value representing the absence of a value |
not | A logical operator representing negation |
or | A logical operator representing disjunction |
repeat | Initiates a loop that repeats until a condition is met |
return | Used to exit a function and optionally return a value |
then | Marks the beginning of the block of code to execute if a condition is true |
true | A boolean value representing true |
until | Marks the end of a ‘repeat’ loop, with a condition to check |
while | Initiates a loop that continues while a condition is true |
Note: Lua is case-sensitive: and is a reserved word, but And
and AND
are two other different identifiers.
Basic types of values in lua
Note : There are eight basic types in Lua. The type function gives the type name of a given value see here
These types are fundamental in Lua programming and are used to define the nature of variables and data structures.
Type | Description |
nil | Represents the absence of a value |
boolean | Represents true or false values |
number | Represents numerical values |
string | Represents sequences of characters |
userdata | Represents arbitrary C data stored in Lua variables |
function | Represents executable code |
thread | Represents independent threads of execution |
table | Represents an associative array or collection of data |
Variable in Lua Language
Lua is a dynamically typed language. There are no type definitions in the language; each value carries its own type.
Variable Declare Initialize In Lua
- Global variable :
- Do not need declaration. Ex : a — a is variable
- Usually you do not need to delete global variables; if you need to delete a global variable, just assign nil to it: Ex a = nil
- Local Variable :
- Your variable is going to have a short life, you should use a local variable.
- if you use local keyword its consider as local variable. Ex local b –b is local variable
Variable Initialize Initialize In Lua
- Initialize string a = “www.ArunEworld.com”
- Initialize Integer value b = 5
- Initialize float variable c = 3.47
Function : print
- print function automatically add the “\n” new line char at the end of the strings
- print ArunEworld single line print(“ArunEworld”) also same as print “ArunEworld”
- print the multi lines like print [[ ArunEworld sites contains technical tutorials, examples and videos. Lean programmings, micro-controllers, and RTOS ]]
- Printing strings (Lua consider only string if it’s char also string –print string value Facebook = “www.Facebook.com/ArunEworld” — Facebook is a variable and initialize string to that print(facebook) — print the string value –print char value Name_1 = ‘A’ Name_2 = ‘R’ Name_3 = ‘U’ Name_4 = ‘N’ print(Name_1) print(Name_2) print(Name_3) print(Name_4)
- Printing numbers (Lua considers only number not like integer, float) –print integer value mobile_number = 8300026060 — initialize mobile_number variable is 8300026060 integer value print(mobile_number ) — print the integer number value –print Float value F_value = 83000.26060 — initialize mobile_number variable is 83000.26060 float value print(F_value) — print the float number value
- Print the function returns value
- For example consider the wifi.sta.getip() function is return the IP address of the device. So print the the IP address Ex : print(wifi.sta.getip())
- Print the two values in same line using concatenation operatordouble dot ..
- Example 1 : print(” Hello “..”World”)–> Hello World
- Example 2 : print(“1”..”2″)–>12
Operator precedence in Lua follows the table below, from the higher to the lower priority:
not – (unary)
* /
+ –
< > <= >= ~= ==
Function type
The type
function gives the type name of a given value:
Example : 1
- The last example will result in “string” no matter the value of X , because the result of type is always a string. –www.ArunEworld.com print(type(“Hello world”)) –> string print(type(10.4*3)) –> number print(type(print)) –> function print(type(type)) –> function print(type(true)) –> boolean print(type(nil)) –> nil print(type(type(X))) –> string –Result –[[ string number lightfunction lightfunction boolean nil string > ]]–
Example 2 : a = print — yes, this is valid! a(type(a)) –> function
Function tonumber
- If you need to convert a string to a number explicitly, you can use the function tonumber , print(tostring(10) == “10”) –> true print(10 .. “” == “10”) –> true
Example i = 10; j = “10”; k = “+10” a = {} — create a table and store its reference in `a’ a[i] = “one value” a[j] = “another value” a[k] = “yet another value” print(a[j]) –> another value print(a[k]) –> yet another value print(a[tonumber(j)]) –> one value print(a[tonumber(k)]) –> one value
if then else
- if then else Loop ArunEworld = True if (wifi.sta.sethostname(ArunEworld == true) then print(“ArunEworld is true”) else print(“ArunEworld is false”) end
if then elseif then end
- if then elseif then loo ArunEworld = 1 if (ArunEworld == 1) then print(“ArunEworld is 1”) elseif (ArunEworld == 2) then print(“ArunEworld is 2”) elseif (ArunEworld == 3) then print(“ArunEworld is 3”) end
- While loop : As usual, Lua first tests the while condition; if the condition is false, then the loop ends; otherwise, Lua executes the body of the loop and repeats the process. local i = 1 while a[i] do print(a[i]) i = i + 1 end
- repeat loop : As the name implies, a repeat–until statement repeats its body until its condition is true. The test is done after the body, so the body is always executed at least once. — print the first non-empty line repeat line = os.read() until line ~= “” print(line)
- The for statement has two variants: the numeric for and the generic for.
- Numeric for : A numeric for has the following syntax: for var=exp1,exp2,exp3 do something end
break and return
- break and return statement local i = 1 while a[i] do if a[i] == v then break end i = i + 1 end
Compilation, Execution and Errors
- Lua always precompiles source code to an intermediate form before running it.
- dofile function
- Compile and execute the file using dofile(ArunEworld.lua) or dofile ‘ArunEworld.lua’
- The
function is useful also when you are testing a piece of code.
- require function
- Ex : require”ArunEworld.lua”
- Each piece of code that Lua executes, such as a file or a single line in interactive mode, is a chunk.
Function In Lua
Syntaxfunction fuction_name() –do somthing end
Example :function ArunEworld() — Function print(“www.ArunEword.com”) print(“www.twitter.com/ArunEworld”) print(“www.facebook.com/ArunEworld”) end ArunEworld() — Function Call
- Open File
- Write File
- Read File
- Close File
- Rename File
Lua Online Compiler
Install Lua in windows
Lua Notes
Lua Examples
- AEW_BCD2Decimal.lua
- AEW_Decimal2BCD.lua
- AEW_Decimal2Binary.lua
- AEW_Decimal2HEX.lua
- AEW_Decimal2Octal.lua
- AEW_Separate Hex Value to single Bit for GPIO.lua
Factorial example
–www.aruneworld.com — defines a factorial function function fact (n) if n == 0 then return 1 else return n * fact(n-1) end end print(“enter a number:”) a = io.read(“*number”) — read a number print(fact(a))
Real Time Application using lua
- Lua using VLC Media player
Tutorial – eLua

What is eLua?
eLua stands for Embedded Lua and full of Lua programming for embedded projects. eLua is not an Operating System, although it offers some features and characteristics of one, like different File Systems, a command Shell, a remote console for Terminal access,
Why Lua?
- Fully functional language
- Scripting language
Supported Embedded Platforms
eLua supports and implements more than five architectures includes Cortex-M3, AVRR32, ARM7TDMI, ARM966E-S, x86. more info
eLua Generic Modules
- pio (Programmable input/output)
- tmr (Physical and virtual timer)
- pwm (Pulse With Modulation)
- uart (Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter)
- spi (Serial peripheral interface, net9TCP/IP networking)
- net (TCP/IP networking)
- adc (analog to digital converter)
- dac (Digital to analog converter)**
- cpu (Low level system access)
- pd (platform data)
- term (ANSI terminal access)
- bit (Bit-wise operations)
- pack (Packet/unpack binary data)
- cmp (Analog comparator)**
- i2c (Inter-integrated circuit)
- cnt (Event counter)**
- can (Controller area network)*
- mrpc (Remote procedure call)
- i2s (Inter-IC sound)**
- elua (eLua system control)
*(Implemented, needs more testing), **(Not yet implemented)
Getting stated with eLua
Lua Applications
- Digital Potentiometer
- Display ( Graphics, TFT LCD Control)
- Game industry
- Music (Music, MIDI control and Play piano)
- Road-map
- Robotics
- Simulation
- Wireless communication (GSM/GPRS, 2.4Ghz)
- Web services ( Adobe Light room, World of Warcraft)
You can follow on eLua news and updates from Social media
Lua Android : Run Lua Scrip in Android Mobile
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nvreformat.luascripting