To turn on the led you need to load the gpio_api.js file.
Note : This below example was tested mongoose os with java script app demo-js in ESP8266 NodeMCU Dev Board(ESP-12E)
- This below example turn on the LED GPIO-4 (NodeMCU Dev Board digital pin 2)
- Set the GPIO pin mode as OUPUT uisng gpio set mode function ex: GPIO.set_mode(led, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT)
- Turn off the LED call the gpio write function with low-0 ex : GPIO.write(led, 0) .
- Turn on the LED call the gpio write function with low-1 ex : GPIO.write(led, 1) .
// Configure LED
let led = 4; //lde pin GPIO04
GPIO.set_mode(led, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT);
LED turn ON/OFF using button
- Use Boot button(GPIO-0)
- The example code used blink in-build LED, It’s connected to GPIO-10.
- You can change any other pin Ex : led = 4; // Get LED GPIO-04 pin;
- Note : Code 1 and Two are same application and functionality. Main difference is calling function.
Code 1 :
- Used GPIO-0 pin (Boot button in NodeMCU Dev Board), as interrupt and used Button interrupt handler function.
// Tested By : Arun(20170430)
// Example Name : AEW_LED-Blink_Using_Button.js
// Firmware : Mongoose OS for ESP32
// This example demonstrates how to react on a button press by toggling LED.
// To try this example,
// 1. Download <code>{{EJS7}}</code> tool from
// 2. Run <code>{{EJS8}}</code> tool and install Mongoose OS
// 3. In the UI, navigate to the <code>{{EJS9}}</code> tab and load this example
// Load Mongoose OS API
// Configure LED
let led = ffi('int get_led_gpio_pin()')(); // Get built-in LED GPIO pin
GPIO.set_mode(led, GPIO.MODE_OUTPUT);
let pin = 0; // GPIO 0 is typically a 'Flash' button
GPIO.set_button_handler(pin, GPIO.PULL_UP, GPIO.INT_EDGE_NEG, 200, function(x) {
let value = GPIO.toggle(led);
print('Button press, pin:', x, 'LED pin:', led, ' Value: ', value);
}, true);
print('Flash button is configured on GPIO pin ', pin);
print('Press the flash button now!');
Code 2:
- In this code i was used GPIO-0 pin (Boot button in NodeMCU dev Kit) as interrupt and used interrupt handler function.
- If your using interruot handler function then you need o enable the interrupt using GPIO.enable_int(pin) function
GPIO.set_mode(4, 1);
//GPIO.write(10, 0);
GPIO.set_int_handler(0, GPIO.INT_EDGE_NEG, function(pin) {
print('Pin', 0, 'got interrupt');
}, null);
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