In this “ESP32 Lua-RTOS Modules- Basic Examples” article we will explore the PIO Module (GPIO) and Interface LED as well as Buzzer, Wifi, MQTT, EEPROM I2C Code.

PIO Module(GPIO Module)
This section will interface with LED as well as Buzzer using ESP32 Lua RTOS.
LED Blink Using while function with Delay, pio.GPIO23), pio.GPIO23) while true do, pio.GPIO23) tmr.delayms(1000), pio.GPIO23) tmr.delayms(1000) end
LED Blink Using while function and thread function with Delay
thread.start(function(), pio.GPIO23), pio.GPIO23) while true do, pio.GPIO23) tmr.delayms(1000), pio.GPIO23) tmr.delayms(1000) end end)
Toggle the LED every 1 seconds
In Lua RTOS, the GPIO module is used for interacting with General Purpose Input/Output pins on microcontrollers like the ESP32. GPIO stands for General Purpose Input/Output, and it allows you to control and read the state of digital pins on the microcontroller.
This example initializes a GPIO pin as an output and toggles its state every second using a timer. Please replace ledPin
with the actual GPIO pin number where your LED is connected.
-- GPIO Example for Lua RTOS on ESP32 -- Pin configuration local ledPin = 2 -- Replace with the actual GPIO pin number where your LED is connected -- Initialize GPIO gpio.mode(ledPin, gpio.OUTPUT) -- Function to toggle the LED function toggleLED() local currentState = if currentState == gpio.HIGH then gpio.write(ledPin, gpio.LOW) else gpio.write(ledPin, gpio.HIGH) end end -- Set up a timer to toggle the LED every 1000 milliseconds (1 second) tmr.create():alarm(1000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, toggleLED) -- Enter the Lua RTOS event loop
WiFi in ESP32 Lua RTOS
Connecting to Wi-Fi using ESP32
-- Configure wifi in Station Mode with SSID from Citilab, "ArunEworld","Arun")
ESP32 Lua RTOS: Start Wi-Fi
-- Start wifi
MQTT using Lua RTOS
To use MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) in Lua RTOS, you typically need to include an MQTT library and set up the necessary configurations. Here’s a basic example of using the mqtt
module in Lua RTOS to publish and subscribe to MQTT messages. Please note that the example assumes you have already set up a broker (e.g., Mosquitto) for testing purposes.
Connect to the MQTT server from
-- Connect to MQTT server from client = mqtt.client("100", "", 1883, false) client:connect("ArunEworld","Arun")
Publish to MQTT Server
-- Publis to queue client:publish("/100","Welcome to ArunEworld",mqtt.QOS0)
Publish and Subscribe to MQTT
Replace the placeholder values (e.g., ""
, "ArunEworld-WiFi"
, "your_wifi_password"
) with your actual MQTT broker and Wi-Fi details.
-- MQTT Example for Lua RTOS on ESP32 -- Load necessary modules local mqtt = require "mqtt" -- MQTT broker details local brokerHost = "" local brokerPort = 1883 local clientId = "esp32_client" local topic = "esp32_topic" -- WiFi details local ssid = "ArunEworld-WiFi" local password = "your_wifi_password" -- Connect to WiFi wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config({ ssid = ssid, pwd = password }) -- Function to handle incoming messages function handleMessage(topic, message) print("Received message on topic '" .. topic .. "': " .. message) end -- Connect to MQTT broker mqtt.client(brokerHost, brokerPort, clientId) :connect(function(client) print("Connected to MQTT broker") -- Subscribe to a topic client:subscribe(topic, function(client) print("Subscribed to topic: " .. topic) end) -- Publish a message every 5 seconds tmr.create():alarm(5000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function() client:publish(topic, "Hello from ESP32") end) end) :on("message", handleMessage)
This example connects to a Wi-Fi network, establishes a connection to an MQTT broker, subscribes to a topic, and publishes a message every 5 seconds. Adjust the code according to your specific requirements and ensure you have the required Lua RTOS modules installed.
-- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- WHITECAT ECOSYSTEM -- -- Lua RTOS examples -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- This sample demonstrates how to communicate with i2c devices. -- The sample writes values into an EEPROM (4c256d) and then -- read from the EEPROM and test that readed values are the writed -- values. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Attach the eeprom to the i2c bus function eeprom_attach() eeprom = i2c.attach(i2c.I2C0, i2c.MASTER, 400000) end -- Once the internally-timed write cycle has started and the EEPROM -- inputs are disabled, acknowledge polling can be initiated. -- This involves sending a start condition followed by the device address word. -- If this fails (timeout, or ack not received) we can't write. function eeprom_poll(devAddress) local done = false while not done do try( function() eeprom:start() eeprom:address(devAddress, false) eeprom:stop() done = true end ) end end -- Write to eeprom (byte) function eeprom_write(devAddress, address, value) eeprom:start() eeprom:address(devAddress, false) eeprom:write(0x00, i, i) eeprom:stop() eeprom_poll(devAddress) end -- Read from eeprom (byte) function eeprom_read(devAddress, address) local read eeprom:start() eeprom:address(devAddress, false) eeprom:write(0x00, address) eeprom:start() eeprom:address(devAddress, true) read = eeprom:read() eeprom:stop() return read end -- Attach eeprom eeprom_attach() -- Write test bytes for i=0,100 do eeprom_write(0x51, i, i) end -- Check bytes for i=0,100 do if (eeprom_read(0x51, i) ~= i) then error("Readed "", expected "..i) end end
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