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Embedded Protocol – COAP

COAP, or Constrained Application Protocol, a specialized web transfer protocol, is designed for constrained devices and low-power, low-bandwidth networks commonly found in Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications. CoAP is an application layer protocol similar to HTTP but optimized for constrained environments.

Read more: Embedded Protocol – COAP

This, designed to be simple and lightweight, is ideal for resource-constrained devices, operating over UDP instead of TCP to reduce complexity. It supports request/response interactions like HTTP and offers features such as multicast support and resource discovery. CoAP facilitates efficient communication between constrained devices and web servers, fostering the development of scalable IoT solutions.

Getting Started with Terminal by Br@y tool

  • Terminal is a simple serial port(COM) terminal emulation program
  • Used for communication with different devices (Modem, routers, embedded uC systems, GSM Phones. GPS Modules)
  • Very useful debugging tool for serial communication applications