echo '' ;


ESP32 Mongoose OS Interface -MQTT


Mongoose OS Credentials configure

Two way to configure the MQTT Credentials  in Mongoose OS file. This Example tested with mongoose os , demo-js app, windows 10, 64bit, mos tool, ESP32 DevKitC from ESPressif.

  • First one is using mos tool  UI
    • GO to  –> Device Config  –> Change the MQTT Credential in MQTT Setting  and Save with Reboot
    • Afterwards its generate the new file name is conf9.json
  • Second methods is change the mqtt Credential in conf0.json  file



  • ESP32 Any kind of boards
  • Mongoose OS firmware
  • Mos Tool
  • MQTT Server Credentials
  • WiFi Crendentials

Note : This ESP32 Mongoose OS interface – MQTT is tested with Windows 10 64bit machine, mos tool(Web Browser based IDE for Mongoose OS), ESp32 DevkitC board from ESPressif.



  • Make sure already set your WiFi Credentials (otherwise MQTT is not work, also check the MQTT Connected status in Terminal windows)


Code : init.js  file


let button = Cfg.get('pins.button');
let topic = '/devices/' + Cfg.get('') + '/events';

print('button GPIO:', button);

let getInfo = function() {
  return JSON.stringify({
    total_ram: Sys.total_ram(),
    free_ram: Sys.free_ram()

// Publish to MQTT topic on a button press. Button is wired to GPIO pin 0
GPIO.set_button_handler(button, GPIO.PULL_UP, GPIO.INT_EDGE_NEG, 20, function() {
  let message = getInfo();
  let ok =, message, 1);
  print('Published:', ok, topic, '->', message);
}, null);

// Monitor network connectivity.
Event.addGroupHandler(Net.EVENT_GRP, function(ev, evdata, arg) {
  let evs = '???';
  if (ev === Net.STATUS_DISCONNECTED) {
    evs = 'DISCONNECTED';
  } else if (ev === Net.STATUS_CONNECTING) {
    evs = 'CONNECTING';
  } else if (ev === Net.STATUS_CONNECTED) {
    evs = 'CONNECTED';
  } else if (ev === Net.STATUS_GOT_IP) {
    evs = 'GOT_IP';
  print('== Net event:', ev, evs);
}, null);



  • Results : {“free_ram”:148676,”total_ram”:229296}
  • Topic : /device/esp32_0255EC/events