- HD44780 compliant controllers 16×2 Character LCD is a very basic and low-cost LCD module that is commonly used in electronic products and projects.
- 16×2 means it contains 2 rows that can display 16 characters.
- Its other variants such as 16×1 and 16×4 are also available in the market.
- In these displays, each character is displayed using 5×8 or 5×10 dot matrix.
- Change Cursor Location Based on Key Input
LCD4 Bit Mode Functions
void Lcd4_Clear() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x00); Lcd4_Cmd(0x01); } // clear screen 0x01 void Lcd4_DisplayOFF_BlinkON_CursorON() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x00); Lcd4_Cmd(0x0B); } // 0x0B void Lcd4_DisplayON_BlinkOFF_CursorOFF() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x00); Lcd4_Cmd(0x0C); } // 0x0C void Lcd4_DisplayON_BlinkOFF_CursorON() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x00); Lcd4_Cmd(0x0D); } // 0x0C void Lcd4_DisplayON_BlinkON_CursorOFF() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x00); Lcd4_Cmd(0x0E); } // 0x0E //void Lcd4_Shift_Left() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x01); Lcd4_Cmd(0x08); } // 0x18 //void Lcd4_Shift_Right() { Lcd4_Cmd(0x01); Lcd4_Cmd(0x0C); } // 0x1C
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