The ESP8266 AT-Command interface offers a convenient way to control and communicate with ESP8266 modules using simple text-based commands. This interface allows users to interact with the ESP8266 module without needing to write complex firmware code, making it ideal for quick prototyping and projects where simplicity is key. With the AT-Command interface, users can configure Wi-Fi settings, connect to networks, send and receive data over the internet, and perform various other tasks with ease.

Basic Commands
Command | Return Response | Notes |
AT | OK | Get Attention from the device |
AT +RST | OK | Reset the module |
AT+GMR | Version, OK | View version info |
AT+GSLP= time | Version, OK | Enter deep sleep mode for time milliseconds |
ATE0 | OK | Disable echo (Doesn’t send back received command) |
ATE1 | OK | Enable echo (Sends back received command before response) |
WiFi Commands
Command | Description |
AT+CWMODE | Set Wi-Fi mode (0, 1, 2, 3) |
AT+CWJAP | Connect to a router Access Point (AP) Command: AT+CWJAP? Return response: OK Command: AT+CWJAP=”ssid”,”password” Return response: OK |
AT+CWLAP | List available Access Points (APs) Set Command: AT+CWLAP=””, “”, “” Return response: AT+CWLAP=”ecn”,”ssid”,”rssi”,”mac” Execute Command: AT+CWJAP=”ssid”,”password” Return response: OK |
AT+CWQAP | Disconnect ESP8266 from the currently connected AP Command: AT+CWQAP Return response: OK |
AT+CWSAP | Configuration of softAP mode Query Command: AT+CWSAP? Return response: OK Set Command: AT+CWSAP=ssid,pwd,ch,ecn Return response: OK |
AT+CWLIF | – Retrieve the IP address of devices connected to the ESP8266 softAP |
AT+CWDHCP | – Enables or disables DHCP on ESP8266 softAP |
AT+CIPSTAMAC | – Retrieve the MAC address of the ESP8266 station interface |
AT+CIPPAPMAC | – Retrieve the MAC address of the ESP8266 softAP interface |
AT+CIPSTA | – Set or query the IP address of the ESP8266 station interface |
AT+CIPAP | – Set or query the IP address of the ESP8266 softAP interface |
Command | Description |
AT+CIPSTATUS | Query the connection status |
AT+CIPSTART | Start a TCP or UDP connection |
AT_CIPSEND | Send data over the current connection |
AT+CIPCLOSE | Close the current connection |
AT+CIFSR | Query the device’s IP address |
AT+CIPMU | Set the multiple connections mode |
AT+CIPSERVER | Enable or disable the server mode |
AT+CIPMODE | Set the transmission mode (normal or transparent) |
AT+CIPSTO | Set the TCP connection timeout |
AT+CIUPDATE+IPD | Update firmware over-the-air (OTA) |
AT+CIPSTART | Start a TCP or UDP connection |
ESP8266 AT Commands firmware
- Where can I download the original ESP8266 AT Firmware?
- How can I download the ESP8266 AT Firmware?
- Which AT Firmware is the original for ESP8266?
- The original AT Firmware for ESP8266 is provided by Espressif.
- Is Ai-Thinker’s AT Firmware the original firmware?
- Ai-Thinker is the vendor and manufacturer of ESP8266 modules.
- Ai-Thinker also provides the AT Firmware when you purchase a new ESP8266 module.
Dowmload Official AT Firmware from Espressif
How Update the AT firmware into ESP8266?
- ESP8266 12E – How to upgrade to latest firmware?
- How to flash AT Firmware into ESP8266?
Steps to follow
Genrally Two tools can use to update the ESP8266 AT firmware
- Download AT firmware, download and unzip it, download the bin files into Flash according to the “readme.txt”.
- Please use or to download AT bin files into Flash, choose the corresponding Flash size according to your actual Flash size.
- AT documentation :
- NodeMCU Firmware Flasher
- Excellent GuiUser Friendly
- Support Many Platforms
- Espressif Firmware Flasher (flash_download_tools_v3.6.4_0)
- GUI Based , Python based
- Notes : This tool working in C:/ Directory. (i was tried in desktop but got error like : can’t open file (‘./Resource/IDLE_S.bmp’)
- You can use NodeMCU Firmware Flasher Tool for flash the AT Firmware into ESP8266.
- Download AT Firmware from ESPressif
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