Throw the Arduino IDE we can program into ESP8266 WiFi Module. In order to do that you need to make a few changes to the Arduino IDE. if you have the question like ‘How Install Arduino Core for ESP8266 WiFi Chip?’ then below is your solution
- Step-1 : First, go to File –> Preferences in the Arduino IDE and in the Additional Boards Manager URLs Section, enter the following URL. (Multiple URLs can be add by separated with commas.)
- Step-2 : Tools –> Board –> Boards Manager and search for ESP8266 in the search field. Select the ESP8266 by ESP8266 Community and click on Install the latest one.
- Step-3: Now connect the ESP8266 with computer. ( Once the ESP8266 Module is powered ON, Push the RST button)
- Step-4: Open and open the Arduino IDE. In the Board options [Tools –> Board], select the “Generic ESP8266” Board. Select the appropriate port number in the IDE.
- Step-5: (Step-1 to Step-4 setup is done) Now load the WiFi scan example code into the controller. Go to File-> Example -> ESP8266WiFi -> WiFiScan. (In Another window program will be open)
- Step-6: Compile and load the program
- Step-7: Once program loaded successfully, Open the serial terminal with 115200 baud rate.
- Result : Wifi Scan code will be run and print the list of wifi available in the network.