ESP8266 is a powerful microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi. You can program the ESP8266 using various languages such as C, C++, Lua, MicroPython, JavaScript, and AT Command as well. It depends on your requirements. If you are a beginner, my suggestion is C++ and Lua. This is because, with the Arduino Core for ESP8266, you can utilize your Arduino C++ library for the ESP8266. Additionally, with the NodeMCU Core for ESP8266, you can use the eLua Embedded Module Library for the ESP8266. These Arduino and Lua methods have a lot of built-in library files, making it easy for beginners and learners. Also will discuss “ESP8266 Platforms”
ESP8266 Programming Languages
Below are listed of different programming languages that can be used with the ESP8266.
AT Command
- Programming Tool : Any Serial Programmer
C++ Language (ESPressif Core, Arduino Core)
- Programming Tool : ESPressif SDK
C++ Language (Arduino Core)
- Programming Tool : Arduino IDE
ESP8266 BASIC (browser-based development environment)
- Programing Tool : WEB IDE ESP8266 BASIC (browser based development environment – Online)
- For More Details : ESP8266 BASIC
JavaScript API (Mongoose OS)
- Programing Tool : WEB IDE (Offline : Local by using USB)
- For More Details : Mongoose OS
Lua Script

- NodeMCU Lua
- Node Lua
- For More Details : NodeLua
Micro Python
- For More Details : Micro Python for ESP8266 is will add soon
- Python [ ESPressif Flash Download Tools (ESP8266 & ESPlorer IDE)
ESP8266 Platforms
Choose One of the Following,
- Arduino Core for ESP8266
- AT Commands for ESP8266
- Mongoose OS for ESP8266
- Micro-Python for ESP8266
- NodeMCU – Lua for ESP8266.